Monday, February 9, 2009

i see the light in every soul (posted 03/30/08)

according to jean jacques rousseau, " Man by nature is good ". he believed in the term of noble savage used by john dryden in his play called the conquest of granada. which means that every man by nature is good before the creation of society and civilization. in rousseau’s theory of natural man, he argued that man is corrupted by society and civilization… meaning arts and sciences contributed to the pride and vanity of man resulted to corruption of the human kind.
but i say not… civilization and society is good, it brings out the human in all of us. i can argue that that man by nature is good so, he created society and civilization. he wanted to interact, socialize and help other humans. we can say that other people take advantage from the goodness of man but have u realize that every action of a man has its reason.
Don’t take it wrong, but think about this words, Fulfillment, Nirvana, and Enlightenment. This are good words,which has good meanings but its prone to abuse… but once you accept it… you see the light in every soul.


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