Monday, February 9, 2009

changes (posted 06/04/06)

i’m leaving boracay after a year and eight months of staying here. i’m going somewhere to develop myself and earn more money. changes that will improve myself and my standards of living. but i’m worried, i am very much used to the island lifestyle that if i go to a city i will freak out knowing that the beach is far away, the night life will be wild and crazy only on the weekends and my dear friends and housemates will be far way. God, its sad just thinking of it.

No one’s to blame but me, I choose this career move. If i got bored and lose my mind, just point a finger at me then maybe i’ll laugh at you :-). i’m in a great company who gave me the opportunity to learn and lead. a company that i treat as my family. probably i’m doing this to help this company in the future? who knows, every action or decision we make doesn’t need a reason to justify it.

changes that i should learn to live with… changes that i believe is for the better.

So, goodbye sunsets, goodbye flip flops, goodbye serenity, goodbye partys, goodbye friends, goodbye love. hello city life!

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