Monday, February 9, 2009

espaface (posted 06/11/06)

it never failed to make me smile when this word is being mentioned. Maybe because of envisioning a face full of powder that sometimes a person thinks it look good but in reality other people think of them as clown faces.

acronym of Espasol Face, in filipino layman’s term meaning "too much powder or make-up in a face". powder or make-up covers impurities but too much of it becomes impurities itself, agree? compare it to the real espasol, the white baking powder is covering the kakanin to make it look good but put too much of it spoils the taste. the sweetness and the nutrients is all inside, and thats what matters but a touch of white baking powder makes it delightful to the eyes.

"you will never get a second chance to make a first impression"(i’ve read this posted in a bathroom door). Make yourself delightful to the eyes eventually they will discover your flaws but you already make them like you.

Bear with me i’m bored. :-)

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